Flagship Mentoring Masterclass Summary

From the Women Ahead team

Flagship mentoring masterclass summary, next steps and request for feedback

It was wonderful to see so many of you at our first Women Ahead Masterclass at Google this week, which marked the start of our Flagship Mentoring Programme connecting sport and business. We hope that you found the afternoon thought-provoking, informative and inspiring, and that you left feeling equipped for your first meeting as well as having met some fellow leaders in sport and business.

Women Ahead

From the Women Ahead team

Thank you for joining us at our flagship mentoring programme launch at Google last week. The event was a huge success and marked a milestone in the connecting of business and sport for the development of women. We were honored to hear our vision at Women Ahead affirmed by such a fantastic panel of speakers and our fabulous chair Georgie Thompson

FTSE-100 Company Cross Mentoring with the 30% Club

This month we had the pleasure of supporting the 30% Club in the launch of the second phase of their visionary cross-company mentoring scheme.

 We are big fans of both the 30% Club and their founder, Helena Morrissey. They are focused on practical action and results, rather than merely banging the drum about the need for change - we have seen a lot of talk in the space of women’s development and it’s refreshing to seen an organization committed to bringing about genuine, tangible change.

Speed mentoring with UN Women

It was a real pleasure to be invited to support one of UN Women’s monthly breakfast events back in July, a Saturday morning gathering focused on mentoring and hosted by Accenture. We helped design and facilitate a speed-mentoring event that would give attendees the opportunity to learn more about mentoring, and to experience a handful of mentoring conversations from the perspective of both mentor and mentee in a relaxed and informal setting.

On passion, purpose, failure and the dots that connect…

“The vision must be followed by the venture. It is not enough to stare up the steps– we must step up the stairs.” - Vance Havner

Sat here at a new desk, in a new office, with a new goal, I’ve found myself questioning why I hadn’t ended up here sooner, working to build something new and something meaningful in a space that bridges two of the fields I’m most curious and passionate about: women in sport and women in leadership.