1. Research

Become a Research Partner. There are a number of opportunities for organisations (sporting and corporate) to become Research Partners and we are seeking potential partners from a variety of sectors, global locations and scales (from small business to FTSE100). As a Research Partner, Women Ahead will interview and/or survey a cross-section of your employees or athletes, and in return will share our key findings and analysis.

Commission bespoke internal research for your organisation. Women Ahead can work with you to design, implement and analyse a review of your people, processes and perspectives to help you affect change.


2. Mentoring

Commission a mentoring programme – Women Ahead can design and deliver best-in-class mentoring programmes focussed on women’s development.

Develop your existing mentoring programme – we can evaluate, refine and improve what you are currently doing.

Become a mentor or mentee – we welcome applications from potential individual mentors and mentees in business and sport to join our in-house and ad hoc one-to-one programmes. As part of this Women Ahead will train and support you.


3. Partner Funding

Women Ahead have a number of partnership opportunities for organisations that are committed to creating environments and alliances that enable women to fulfil their potential. These include sponsoring Women Ahead keynote events, research studies or mentoring programmes.


4. Organisational Collaboration

Women Ahead believe their ethos and approach is applicable in organisations ranging from grass-roots to government and multi-nationals, and welcomes opportunities to work with groups and governing bodies to collectively create change.