
I am… Giacomo Cannata and I’m a visual storyteller, bringing to life Women Ahead and Moving Ahead’s amazing stories through film and photography.  I was born and grew up in Rome, graduating its university with a degree in Architecture and a following PHD.  Whilst I never fell in love with the idea of becoming an architect, I did fall in love with beautiful buildings and photography.  It was this combo that set me on a career path capturing beauty through image.  I went on to become a photojournalist and spent a lot of time travelling through Africa.  I now have my own photography and filmography studio in London.  When I’m not working with Women Ahead and Moving Ahead, I’m predominately working with big fashion and media brands. 

I love… Storytelling and finding that balance between making something look beautiful without losing its authenticity.  It was my passion for story that led me into film.  You can tell a story with a still image but it’s a freeze frame of a single moment in time.  What I love about motion picture is the room it creates to tell that deeper story.  And I love that about Women Ahead and Moving Ahead’s work, it’s meaningful – these are stories worth telling.  I’ve filmed some truly inspirational people who form part of Women Ahead and Moving Ahead’s speaker academy. Patsy Rodenberg, for example, my goodness, I could listen to her talk forever.  Or Simon Arrowsmith, I learnt so much from him about storytelling.  Outside of work I still love to return to Rome but after a few days it frustrates me. It’s so, so beautiful and yet nothing works.  Let’s just say from a storytelling perspective, it works better as a still-shot than a motion picture!  

I bring… honesty to my storytelling.  That’s essential if you want people to believe something, especially if the story is important - you have to secure the respect of your audience.

Moving Ahead and Women Ahead … helping business Get Ahead by embracing mentoring, diversity and inclusion.

Contact me at: Giacomo.cannata@gmail.com 07572 986 450.